One Piece Ponseti Adapter
Front spring tension adjustment screw dial (New feature)
Domed Tradmarked Dobbs Logo
Reinforced Polycarbonate design to keep your child braced longer
Front spring Tension adjustment screws (New feature)
Aircraft Grade Aluminum Bar

Easy to read dial for rear adjustment screw (New feature)
Bored Screw Inserts will keep everything snug but not over tight
redesigned swivel arm delivers a smoother spring reset
Rear spring tension adjustment screw (New feature)
Spring housing keeps dust and dirt from entering the works

Minimalist design to reduce as much weight as we could
Ponseti AFO release tab
Clear Easy to read External Rotation Dial
Bored screw insert will keep everything snug, but not over tight
Enclosed Spring
Key Features
Adjustable Dorsi Spring
We have given the new Dobbs Bars two adjustable torsion springs. Now you can dial in the perfect amount of resistance for each foot.
Active Spring Reset
A spring reset brings the child’s feet back to neutral in a resting position. The spring maintains an active dorsiflexion stretch while still allowing the child to play and crawl in the brace.
Adjustable External Rotation
Easy to set external rotation dial with just a turn of a screw. We have provided 10 degree increments of external rotation.
Adjustbale Bar Width
Your Dobbs Bar will adjust in length as the child grows, with a turn of a screw.
Regular 9-14 incehs
Ponseti Quick Release
Quick Release mechanism allows shoes and Ponseti AFOs to snap on and off for diapering, carseats, and high chairs.
Universal Screws
Universal hex head screws will no longer leave you with a stripped out screw head. An allen key will be provided with each bar.
More Information
Setting Up The Dobbs Bar
Setting the bar width. The Dobbs Bar should be set so that the width of the bar is equal to the shoulder width of the child. Measure the shoulder width of the child from the left outside shoulder to the right outside shoulder. Adjust the length of the Dobbs Bar so that the length of the bar is equal to your shoulder width measurement from mid-heel of the left footplate to mid-heel of the right foot plate. It is better to have the bar a little wider than shoulder width rather than too narrow. It is uncomfortable for the child if the bar length is too narrow.
Setting external rotation. The clubfoot should be set at about 60 degrees of external rotation, which should match the degree of rotation of the foot in the last cast. If the foot was externally rotated only 50 degrees in the last cast the brace should also be at 50 degrees. A normal, non-affected foot should be fixed on the bar in about 40 degrees of external rotation. Loosen screw in center hole. Position and fasten to quick clip. Locate indicator hole to set degree. Fasten bar with second screw in appropriate hole.
Setting active spring tension. Locate the number dial in the back of the spring housing, this will be your first adjustment. Unscrew the rear adjustment screw until the dial is released. Turn the green dial to the appropriate setting. Tighten this screw all the way to set the rear spring setting. Turn the bar over so you can see the Dobbs Logo. You will need to do the same set of steps to the front adjustment screw to set one side of the bar. Both the back setting dial and the front setting dial need to set to the same number. Repeat these steps on the opposite side of the bar to complete setting up the new Dobbs Bar.
Attaching Ponseti AFOs. To attach the Ponseti AFOs you will need to locate the opening in the back of the AFOs. You will then Slide each Ponseti Adapter into the opening in the back of each AFO. Each AFO will be correctly attached after you hear a "click" indicating the tongue and grove system are conjoined correctly.
Instructions for Use
The Dobbs Bar should be worn 23 hours a day for the first 3 months and then at nighttime and naps.
Bracing is critical in maintaining the correction of clubfeet. If the brace is not worn as prescribed, there is a near 100 percent recurrence rate.
Bar Adjustment Tutorial
Advice to Parents
Play with your child in the brace. Babies might get fussy for the first few days after receiving a brace, and will require time to adjust. Playing with your child is the key to getting over the irritability quickly. Teach your child that he/ she can kick and swing the legs with the brace on by gently moving your child's legs up and down together and independently until he/she gets used to the brace.
Make it routine. Children do better if you develop a fixed routine for brace wear. During the three to four years of night/naptime wear, put the brace on anytime your child goes to the “sleeping spot.” They will figure out that when it is “that time of day” they need to wear the brace. Your child is less likely to fuss if this is a constant routine.
Pad the bar. By padding the bar you will protect yourself and your furniture from the metal bar when the child is wearing the brace.
Check your child's feet. It is important to check your child's feet several times a day after initiating the bracing to ensure no blisters are developing on the heel. Never use lotion on any red spots on the skin (lotion will make the problem worse). Some redness is normal with use. Bright red spots or blisters, especially on the back of the heel, usually indicate that the heel is slipping. Ensure that the heel stays down in the shoe by securing the straps and/ or buckles or by talking to your orthotist about placing a heel pad in the shoe.
Always wear cotton socks. Your child should always wear cotton socks under his/ her shoes, sandals or plastic AFO's. The sock should be a little higher than the top of the shoes, sandals or orthosis. Allow your child's toes some freedom.